Friday, November 28, 2014


I celebrated Thanksgiving in the most awesome of ways! I got myself a Lebanese sandwich (Halloumi cheese), Berthillon ice cream, and then I went to see Stromae!!

My friend Silvia was supposed to come with me to see him. She was due in from Trier (a small medieval town in Germany, near the border, where she's doing a postdoc) at 5, but then got stranded in Saarbrücken because the train to Paris was cancelled! It was very unfortunate...the later train would have gotten her in too late. So, instead of missing it, she decided not to come to Paris at all. I'll be going to Trier tomorrow morning. Mélanie joined me at the concert instead. And boy was it amazing!

A bit of background: Stromae is a Belgian singer whose name is obviously a pseudonym. It comes from the French slang language known as the "Verlan" (the word "envers" or "backwards" pronounced backwards). By that logic, Stromae is what word backwards? C'mon, you can get the right answer! That's right! Maestro!

Stromae hit the top of the charts with his "Alors on danse" (then we dance) which has become famous even in the US. It sounds like any other club song, with the strong beat and loud bass. But, the words are all painfully ironic, about how life is hard and all we do all day every day is totally useless, so we go out and dance to forget. Most of his songs are about one problematic aspect of everyday life, or social commentary, but put to a positive-sounding beat! They make you want to dance, except they're about: the fact that no one sleeps anymore, the futility of love, missing parents, suicide, sickness, etc. The New York Times wrote an article about him last year (, in which they claimed he captured the disillusionment of an entire generation of Europeans. Judging from the attendance and participation at his concert, I'd say he is doing quite well for himself. There's even a rumor that he wants to retire.

Anyway, I spent Thanksgiving very thankful for Stromae and his catchy tunes and their contrasting ironic lyrics, and not quite as thankful for faulty European railway systems which prevented Silvia from getting here. But, I'll see her tomorrow at a big "Thanksgiving" dinner she's been planning with her friends in Germany!

Below I've added some of my (not very good) pictures from the concert, as well of three of my favorite Stromae music videos. Enjoy!!

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