There is one more way to see Berlin that I failed to mention the last time, mostly because I hadn't done it yet. Berlin is the home of the world's largest tethered hot air balloon (or "captured" as they say here). The world is called "Die Welt" which just means "The World" (die being the definite article for feminine nouns in German—don't confuse it with the English word "die," though Eileen and I sure punned on it the entire time!), and the balloon looks like the world. It's as simple as that. Since I wasn't able to take an untethered hot air balloon ride in Vilnius, I decided to see another European capital by balloon, and what a sight it was! Since a picture's worth a thousand words, here are several thousand words that you can peruse at your leisure. As far as 15 minute rides go, this was pretty fun—it was the hour and a half waiting in line that wasn't that interesting.

What the balloon looks like up in the air. Once again, I can't emphasize this enough—it is not telling everyone to "die"!
The technical information about how big it is, and how it works.
Eileen waiting in the safe area for our turn. She wasn't scared at all...
I feel that this is a very clever picture somehow...
We got on just in time for the sunset!
The TV Tower
The Holocaust memorial from above. Amazing, no?
The Reichstag
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